Harvested Lavender Flowers from our Garden
Yes, I finally did it! I did had the chance to harvest for the first time some lavender flowers from our garden. Also known as Lavandula angustifolia, it is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae. I actually did the harvesting the other week. I would like to make little lavender pillow cases for our cabinet clothing. I heard somewhere that dried lavender flowers and lavender essential oil are also used as a prevention against clothing moths, which do not like their scent.
I also use lavender as decoration. These are some of the lavender in ceramic vases.
Lavender and its flowers and oils have many uses. I believed most of you know about it. It is known that its leaves and flowers are use as herbal medicine or as herbal tea. When I went to France last month, I also bought soaps made from lavender.
When lavender flowers bloom in our garden, I love smelling its leaves and flowers which are really very refreshing and relaxing. I hope I can start the making of little lavender pillows…soon!
Enjoy your day and be safe!